Workshop on Measurements, Attacks, and Defenses for the Web (MADWeb) 2025

Call for Papers

The web connects billions of devices, running a plethora of clients, and serves billions of users every day. To cope with such a widespread adoption, the web constantly changes. This is evident by some browsers that have a release cycle of just six weeks. Unfortunately, these rapid changes are not always designed with a security mindset, resulting in new attack vectors not observed before.

The MADWeb workshop aims to attract researchers who work on the intersection of browser evolution and web security. Our goal is to create and sustain a specialized venue for discussing any aspects of web security and privacy, such as the rapid changes to browsers from a security perspective, the security implications of current web technologies, how we can protect users now, and make browsers in the future more secure without hindering the evolution of the web.

Since MADWeb merged with the SecWeb workshop in 2025, we welcome ideas on extending the web with novel security mechanisms, better access interfaces (browsers), and disciplined programming abstractions to support secure web application development natively. Moreover, we invite contributions that propose provocative thoughts on re-envisioning (part of) the current web platform with security built-in by design.

We welcome work in progress and encourage junior researchers to explore new ideas before publication at a major security conference. We select papers based on their technical contributions and their potential to spark interesting discussions at MADWeb.

We currently accept (self-) nominations for the MADWeb 2025 PC. Please, fill this form to nominate yourself or someone else. The deadline to submit the form is Friday, November 1, 2024.

Our social media contacts are:

Please use the official hashtag #MADWeb for any public posts related to the workshop.

Important Dates

Areas of Interest

Submissions are solicited in, but not limited to, the following areas:

Submission Instructions

All papers must be written in English. Papers must be formatted for US letter size (not A4) paper in a two-column layout, with columns no more than 9.25 in. high and 3.5 in. wide. The text must be in Times font, 10-point or larger, with 11-point or larger line spacing. Authors are strongly encouraged to use the templates provided by NDSS.

We invite both full papers and work-in-progress papers. Full papers should have no more than 10 pages in total (excluding references and appendices). Work-in-progress papers must have less than 6 pages (again, excluding references and appendices), and can discuss work-in-progress and novel ideas. Work-in-progress papers will be selected based on their potential to spark interesting discussions during the workshop and they will not be included in the formal proceedings of the workshop. Note that full papers might be accepted as Work-in-progress if they are deemed as not mature enough but may spark enough discussions at the workshop.

Submissions must be properly anonymized for double-blind review (please follow NDSS guidelines on paper anonymization).

Submission site

Artifact Evaluation

We encourage authors to submit their artifacts for evaluation. The goal of the artifact evaluation is to enable the research community to build on the work presented at the workshop and to ensure the reproducibility of the results. The artifacts can be software, data, or other materials used to produce the results presented in the paper. The artifacts will be evaluated based on their availability, functionality, and reproducibility. The evaluation process will be lightweight and will not affect the acceptance of the paper. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to submit their artifacts for evaluation using the same HotCRP instance used for paper submissions. The outcome of the artifact evaluation will be made available on the workshop website.

Please follow these guidelines for more information on the artifact evaluation.

Workshop Format

MADWeb will be co-located with NDSS 2025. MADWeb will be an on-site event.

One author of each accepted paper is expected to present the paper, in person, at the workshop. The format will be traditional conference-style research presentations with questions from the audience. Interactive and engaging presentations are welcome. As for the previous editions, we plan to give best paper and best presentation awards. Following notification to authors, more information will be provided regarding speaking times and other details.

The accepted papers will be made available on the workshop website and the workshop will have official proceedings. Publication in the proceedings is not mandatory and authors can choose to have their papers excluded from the official proceedings by selecting “No proceedings” during submission in HotCRP.

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Program Committee

Steering Committee


The MADWeb 2025 best paper award is supported by Palo Alto Networks.

MADWeb 2025, in cooperation with the NDSS Symposium